Thursday, 15 August 2013

Holiday Challenges week 1

So  far it has gone really well while out of town.  I have been staying with family and they are very supportive with my weight loss plan. Having lots of veggies available with every meal has really helped.  Plus staying in to eat versus eating out has allowed me to either eat my Jenny Craig meal as planned or have a sensible portion. A big win for me was not having any dessert with my meal.  If I really wanted a portion I knew I could save it and have it for my evening snack but by then I wanted my Jenny Craig cheese curls or bruschetta chips instead. With adding in walks my effort and choices have paid off!  On the scale here I lost 3lbs.

I had a great phone consultation with my Jenny Craig consultant.  She helped me setup my plan for the rest of my trip and gave me good tips to use when eating out.  It really helped me to focus on my goals and it felt good to talk to someone who really understood the challenges I was having.

 I know the next leg of my journey will be abit more challenging but I hope my jumpstart will help keep the monentum going.  We are off to visit more family and friends in Manitoba.  I think we will have more eating out so it will be especially important to make careful choices and fit in my Jenny Craig meals whenever possible to offset and create a balance. I hope with adding in walks I will be able to at least maintain where I am at to still see a net weightloss for my holidays. I would rather be sensible and practice healthy choices instead of creating more work for myself.

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