Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Final Results!!!

I am taking this time to reflect on my success at this point on my Jenny Craig journey. I started out hoping that I could lose 20lbs – and Jenny Craig helped me make that happen NO PROBLEM! Then I decided to lose another 20lbs and I DID IT! Then I thought I would go for ANOTHER 10lbs for a total of 50lbs down. But I realize I am now feeling AWESOME and I really want to stop and ENJOY myself at this time. I talked to my Consultant about this and we decided to start my Maintenance phase to my Program. I am so glad that I now have this support for the next phase of my new LIFESTYLE!! Thank you Jenny Craig!

In total I lost 47.3 pounds and 35 inches off of 4 measured spots on my body!!   I  feel amazing AND definitely can see the difference in my pictures!!